Sunday, January 17, 2010

Street Sense: What Did Barack Know and When Did he Know it?

I assume that most of us shared excitement at the emergence of Obama. More than any other politician since the mythology surrounding JFK, this guy seemed to represent hope and change.

I can hardly imagine what he fell into once elected. His genius advisors (educated at Goldman Sachs University as were Bush's) certainly fed him the same malarkey that the Congress was served. Save the banks or you will preside over the greatest depression in history. Given that the only person having accurately predicted this was a foreigner named Roubini, I can imagine that believing fellow Harvard alum seemed a heck of alot more plausible.

Once he got an inkling of the truth, what the hell was he supposed to do? Have his own cabinet members indicted? That would have been a tough start for his administration. And let's face it: Obama does like the good life. It's OK to be a democrat and affluent. Take Kerry and Kennedy for examples. Limousine liberals are as old as the crucifixion.

At some point, he had to know that he was doomed. He had to realize that he was not going to be the new FDR. Were I him, I would have turned my attention to where he decided to place it: health care. If he could pull that off, the recession/depression would be decidedly secondary. No one man would be blamed for an economic collapse when the historians have their say. But one man could be deemed the savior of health care. Can you blame him?

He will likely be a one term president because he has presided over the continuing economic debacle. I predict that he will be a Secretary of State in a future administration. His talent and gifts will be recognized and utilized in the future. With luck, he will speak out about what paralyzed him and his administration.

He will eventually realize that behind every revolution is a man with a dream. Willing to sacrifice his life for a cause. He will remember the southern black pacifist preacher that paved the way for him. This was a man that received the Nobel Prize for PAST achievent. He will rue the lost opportunity. Unless he really IS a limousine liberal.